Let’s chat about how to achieve self- love and why. I previously wrote about self- care, today I felt like I needed to talk about self- love. Self- love is so important to our well being. It keeps our mental, physical and emotional health regulated. I know that self- love can be difficult to achieve sometimes. There are times that I just can’t think about loving myself. It’s hard to achieve self- love when I’m too busy, or when I’m being hard on myself. Do you have those days? Well, I’m going to give you tips on how to start loving yourself and why you should do it.

Self- Love Tips
- The first thing you want to do in the morning is to show gratitude not just to God but to yourself. This is a self-motivator and gets you in the right state of mind. Start the day off with being kind to yourself. You are setting the tone for the day and providing guidance on how you should be treated by yourself and others.
- After showing yourself gratitude you want to renew your body by eating healthy foods. Eating better is helping you to not just stay healthy physically but to maintain your mental and emotional health. What you intake in your body can control your emotions. Self- love helps you to maintain a balance with all of these factors.
- Another way to take care of your body is by exercising. We can’t just watch what we put in our bodies but we have to strengthen and maintain our health by exercising. We want to reduce aches and pains that will manipulate our minds and make us become negative.
- Keep working on staying positive by making sure your thoughts are positive. Whenever you have a negative thought that comes to mind figure out where it’s coming from and what the underlying issue is. After you do that come up with three positive thoughts to replace that one negative thought. Our thoughts affect our feelings and our feelings affect our mood. Negative is the last thing you want to be.
- If there are any unresolved issues that have had a negative impact on your life, it’s time to forgive and let go. Holding on to that situation is not doing any good to you and it isn’t healthy, which is what we are aiming to be. Forgive yourself for the pain that you caused and release that pain. This is the start of us getting rid of the negative and move forward to the positive.
- Now that we have gotten rid of the negative issue we are holding on to, it’s time to get rid of the negative people in our lives. Having negative people in your life does not serve you any good. Their negativity rubs off on you like peanut butter spreads on anything. It will stay there unless you do something to wipe it away. The same process goes for negative people; they will stick around as long as you let them. Get rid of these friends and find friends that are positive.
- Having positive people in your life will do wonders for you. Positive people can illuminate your life. They are the ones who will push you to get to your next level or get you to stay on the right path and give you the love support and encouragement that you need. Having a positive circle is one thing that will make your life so much easier.
- Do you have a hard time seeing yourself as good? Well, make a list of all your good qualities. Take the time to really think about all the good that you have in you. Write down the qualities that you do know you have and all of the ones that you have been told you have. After you write them down you will see that you are much better than you think you are. Now hang that list somewhere that you will always see it. And live by that list. Embrace these qualities because they make you who you are.
- Never give up on the practice of self- love. Getting into the groove of things is going to be a little rough at times. You will want to fall into your old habits but don’t. Keep up with the practice because it is so worth being able to see yourself in a better light. Because when you are better it will help you to treat others differently.
- Expand your positive circle and keep in touch with your family. There is no greater support system than your family. Let them be there for you and support your new habits. Also, don’t let them just give to you but you give to them. Do things for your family so that they feel their support is reciprocated.
- Lastly, find something to be grateful for every single day. Finding one thing every day to be grateful for will change your perspective of the whole day. When you are feeling down then look around or think of something to be grateful for and it will make your mood better.
- Bonus: Try new things. That’s right you have to get out there and get out of your comfort zone. Trying new things brings excitement to your life. Once you make that new activity part of your routine that is even better. You might make some new friends while doing it. The point is getting out of your own way and do something that you never dreamed that you would do. This will give you the greatest feeling of accomplishment!

Self- love is so important to our well-being. Honestly, if we aren’t practicing self- love then we are abusing ourselves. I’m not just talking to you, this post is for me as well. There are so many times that I totally neglect myself. I may not eat properly, exercise, or even not get enough sleep. Sleep is what I forgot to mention it is so vital to our well-being. When you get the proper amount of sleep which is 7-9 hours for the average adult then you are able to function properly.
Please implement self- love into your daily life. Be kind to yourself, take care and be who you were meant to be. There is no need to try and fit in because if we were supposed to fit in then we would all be carbon copies. Be comfortable in the differences that you have within you. It took me a while to learn this but I finally love who I am and comfortable in the fact that I was meant to be different. I love you just for who you are.
What are some ways you practice self- love or tell me if this post resonated with you? You can also let me know on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @itsashleyjw.
Ephesian 5:29 NCV No one ever hates his own body, but feeds and take care of it. And that is what Christ does for the church.
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