Let’s chat about how to attract your perfect one! I know it’s been such a long time since I’ve written to you guys. You will not believe how busy I’ve been lately. Your girl has been expanding and rebranding her business. But, let’s get down to business. Let’s chat about how to attract your perfect one! I know we’re still a little locked down but you can start getting yourself prepared NOW. I have a few tips that I wanted to share with you on just how to do that. These are all the steps that I have taken when I was ready to attract my one.

love at the beach
Love at the beach

Be The Best YOU

This was a step that I had to seriously take the time to figure out, I suggest you do the same. When I was coming to the end of my one-year sabbatical from dating I had to figure out who I was. Knowing who you are is going to help all the more to attract the right person for you. I had to realize that I needed to become what I was looking for.

The way I did this was by taking a step back and looking at who I was in those previous relationships. I discovered a few things once I did that. The first thing I realized was I changed who I was to match the person I was with. I did not totally change who I was but I adapted to the person I really wanted to be with. If I saw that they didn’t like a trait from my authentic self I would quickly try to change it. Doing this was extremely stressful and tiring.

Being a chameleon is why I had to take to the time to figure out who I truly was. Not only did I have to figure out who I was but I had to stand strong in who I was. Which brings me to the next realization, breaking away from fear. If you are changing who you are for people then that can turn into being afraid to be you. Once I discovered me, then I had to be me more often than not. I actually practiced being myself so that when I got into another relationship that’s the person that they met. This is how I started to find and be me.

What do you want your perfect love to be like?

Work on Your List

Now that we have figured out who we are, we can move on to making your list. What is your list you ask? Your list is what you create to attract the right person for you. Your list doesn’t need to be a certain length but it should be a true representation of what you are looking for.

There’s one thing that your list should be and that’s realistic. Don’t set your standards too high that you get disappointed about not attracting the right person. You also want to include on your list how you want your one person to make you feel.

It’s fine that you have a list that describes what you want as far as looks and characteristics but how do you want to feel. Do you want to feel like the only person that exists when they are around you? Would you rather feel pure joy? Consider what you want your perfect relationship to be and write that down.

Be You Everywhere

The problem with being a chameleon is that nobody really knows who you are. So, you know how I said earlier to practice being you everywhere, that means on social media too. This is the one place that you can show some realness. There are so many people on social media that do not know how to be their authentic selves but you don’t have to be one of them.

Now and days the first thing people look for is a person’s social media profile. Start with making sure your picture is a good picture. It should show who you are. Don’t try to emulate anyone else on there. For instance, you have Instagram models. I’m not hating on the IG models just trying to get my point across. They attract a certain type of attention and if you are looking for a quality relationship this is what you want to stay away from. At the same time, you don’t have to be Rebecca from Sunnybrook farm either.

Be you
Your authentic You is intriguing!

Don’t Waste Your Time

Maybe in another post, I will show you how to vet potential partners. You do not want to spend too much time on people who do not check off boxes from your list. Trust me there will be some “interested” people who really are just a smokescreen. Your job is to see them coming before they get to you. The last thing you want to do is get caught up with that person when your perfect one ends up passing you by.

The way I vetted the guys that approached me was pretty simple. It only took one conversation. Once we had that conversation I knew whether they had potential or whether they needed to be curbed. The most important thing you can do is listen to your gut. Your gut still works even when your mind is getting swept up in the sweet nothings of the wrong person.

When I was caught up with the wrong guys my inner voice was screaming at me while I ignored her. The toxic relationship that I was in, throughout the whole relationship my gut was screaming at me to run. Of course, I did not listen. Make sure to listen to yours it will save you some serious time.


Attracting the perfect one is what everyone dreams of. That’s why I had to write this post for you. This is a sure-fire way to attract the perfect person. This is what I used and that’s the way I weeded out the not so great guys and finding my husband. I talked a little about this in the post The Story Of Our Love. I think that I’m going to do a series dedicated to single people who happen to read my blog.

Proverbs 18:22 NCV When a man finds a wife, he finds something good. It shows that the Lord is pleased with him.

Let me know if these tips helped you. If you have some other tips on how to attract your perfect one you can share them with me. You can find me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @itsashleyjw. Until we chat again…

Ashley J

Welcome to It's Ashley J! My name is Ashley J Walker, and I'm the founder of this wonderful site that you are visiting. Presently I am a wife, mother/ stepmother, Marriage and Family Therapist, event and wedding planner, interior designer, TV Show host, and now a blogger!

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