Let’s chat about the 14 tips for surviving the quarantine with your partner! First I would like to say that I hope this post finds you and your family well. I know everyone is having some difficulty with life right now. Maybe you and your partner are getting on each other’s nerves or you are just excruciatingly bored and possibly tired from all the sex you’ve been having. Well, never fear, Ashley J is here to save the day!

  • It can be fun making a competition out of the meals you cook during the day. That’s right both of you get in the kitchen and compete over who can cook the best. Either you make the same meals or completely different meals. But the goal is to have fun and be the best chef you can be.
  • Now that you have prepared those meals, what better way to eat them besides having an indoor picnic. Get a big blanket, glasses for your beverage of choice, flower petals and of course, your meals. If you have a fireplace maybe you can sit by that. Your competition will quickly turn into a romantic night.
  • With everything being closed why not make it a spa day/night? Relaxation is key during all of this craziness. You can give each other massages, facials. Here is something that a woman can get a kick out of and that’s letting her partner give her a manicure. I’m not sure if I am able to let that happen, but you can give it a shot.
  • Being that most of you have nothing but time right now, why don’t the two of you read a book together. Find a book that you both mutually like and cuddle up on the couch to read the book together. Make sure you take turns, you can do something like one person reads a chapter and then the next one reads. Or you read a few pages and vice versa.
couple reading
Couple reading!
  • Share hilarious stories about each other. But the stories have to be those that your partner has never heard before. This might be hard to do for some of you because you and your partner have been an item for so long. Dig deep here and find that one good one to tell your partner.
  • Now after all of this togetherness it’s time to take some time apart. Are you getting on each other’s nerves? The answer is to go to your separate areas of your home. Maybe stay the whole day away from each other. It might sound impossible because you’re sharing a home together but it can be easy. One of you can stay in the living room and the other stay in the bedroom. Whatever you choose to do make sure you are giving each other space.
  • I don’t know about you but my travel plans are on hold for a while. But we can take virtual tours of various places. Museums that you always wanted to go to are now available without you having to leave your home. You can even take virtual tours at tourist destinations.
  • There is nothing better than spending a whole day watching your favorite movies. Your spirits might be low now but doing a movie marathon will lift them.
  • Here’s another way you can show your competitive side, play some games. You can play Taboo, Checkers, Chess, etc. Since you can’t have teams it will be that much more competitive if it is just the two of you.
  • Before this quarantine, I’m sure you were very busy. Why not take this time to deep clean and organize your home. I actually have to take some time to do this as well. Your home has to be organized and cleaned in order for you to stay sharp.
  • There is nothing better than satisfying your sweet tooth. That’s right you can bake some goodies. Whether it’s cookies, brownies, or cake bake something delightful.
couple enjoying goodies
Couple enjoying goodies.
  • How many of you purchased the iPhone 11 Pro or the Samsung s20? If you did then you have the best camera out there. Put that camera to good use and have a photoshoot. Get those overdue couples pictures done.
  • A couple that works out together stays together. I just made that up but this is a good time to start working out together. You will be each other’s motivation. You can also lose the weight that you were working on before we got locked down.
  • We need to be fair during this time. Do something that your partner likes to do. Take a real interest in what they like. And they should do the same for you. This will help you build a great and deeper connection between the two of you.
couple working out
Couple working out

This is definitely a rough time for all of us. But by working together and keeping each other entertained will help you get through this time. I hope that you will find my tips useful. Don’t do all of these activities in one day spread it out. Have fun with the tips and put your own spin on them. Also, make sure you listen to my podcast It’s Ashley J.’s on Anchor and Spotify where I discuss this very topic.

Proverbs 3:5 NCV Trust the Lord with all your heart and don’t depend on your own understanding.

How are you making it through the quarantine? What tips can you share with me about keeping yourself busy? Let me know on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook @itsashleyjw.

Quarantine Tip References: https://www.insider.com/date-ideas-at-home-coronavirus-social-distancing-quarantine-2020-3 and https://www.timeout.com/things-to-do/best-things-to-do-at-home-stuck-inside-bored.

Ashley J

Welcome to It's Ashley J! My name is Ashley J Walker, and I'm the founder of this wonderful site that you are visiting. Presently I am a wife, mother/ stepmother, Marriage and Family Therapist, event and wedding planner, interior designer, TV Show host, and now a blogger!

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